Ever wonder about the people who receive the cards your family makes? When you drop off hand-colored cards, crafted by your pint-sized artists, they are gathered together in a colorful bundle and delivered to our nonprofit collaborator.
One of these nonprofit beneficiaries is SOREO. They provide families with high quality, in-home support services for aging and disabled adults in Southern Arizona. Many are homebound and SOREO enables these seniors to age in place and remain independent.
Our at-home family volunteering projects enable families and groups to give back from the comfort of their homes. And while super convenient for busy, modern life, we don't always know much about who receives these kid-made kindness cards once delivered.
More than just the client benefits from volunteering
"One of the persons who received a card is a client named Stacy, who utilizes a wheelchair after she suffered a stroke," says SOREO Community Relations Manager Nikieia Johnson.
Stacy receives help daily from her direct care worker for eating, drinking and basic hygiene needs.
"She was all smiles when she received the card! We also gave one to her direct care worker and to her brother Scott as well."
Stacy, a SOREO client, and recipient of our at-home kindness card projects
The give-back work matters even when we can't directly see the impact
No matter how big or small, good deeds - like cards - carry a double punch: we make a positive impact on someone else - like Stacy and her brother - and we feel great at the same time.
Cards crafted by Kid and Family Volunteers to benefit our at-home nonprofit collaborators, like SOREO.
♥ To learn more and get involved in our family volunteer projects, sign up for an in-person or at-home project today, or help us fund our family volunteer programs. Consider making a donation today to help fuel our programs + create more meaningful volunteer projects for Tucson families.